Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Getting Ready For Powell

We are so excited to be going to Lake Powell next week with my family! So to get ready for our trip we went on a little family outing and all bought sunglasses. Jayna looks to cool for school in hers. We laughed so hard when we put them on her. I totally remember having a pair of red heart shaped glasses when I was a little girl so I just had to get her some. One of the other things we had to get for Jayna was a life jacket, which is impossible. They make life jackets to fit kids from 0-50 pounds. We went to a boat shop here in town and tried to put her in one and it was a joke. The sales guys were just laughing at us. We found this one life jacket on ebay that was sold out everywhere else and ordered it, it fits kids 0-30 pounds. I will have to post pictures of her in it when we get it. I am sure it will be ridicules.


JulieB said...

Haha, can't wait to see her in the huge lifejacket. I have been wanting to call you all week but I've had to work a lot this week and Olivia has decided to stop sleeping at I've been unable to! Hopefully I'll catch you before your trip.