I had recently moved back home after living in Utah and attending BYU. I was asleep in my bed when my mom woke me up and told me I needed to come watch the news. I remember going into my parents bedroom and laying on their bed to watch the T.V. to see just what was going on. The first tower had already been hit of course and they were showing video of the burning tower. It was unclear to everyone just what had happened. No one both in our house or on the news could figure out if it was an accident or not. At this point no one even knew if it was a small private plane or a large commercial plane. Then it happened, as we were watching the live news on CNN a second plane crashed into the south tower. It was unbelievable. You knew right away that this was not an accident and that something terrible was unfolding right before your eyes. Then the news began reporting about possible other high-jacked planes that may be in the air. The Pentagon was then hit and a plane went down in Pennsylvania. The media seemed to be frantic as they tried to keep up on what was going on. I just remember having that terrible thought and feeling of what next. Then I remembered that Marshall was flying home from his mission. Would his flight be in the air right now? Would he of had a layover in New York if he was coming home from Taiwan? How many flights are in danger? It was not a day that you wanted to have anyone you knew or cared about in the air traveling. I remember calling my friend Kelli that morning. She answered the phone from her sleep and I asked her if she knew what was going on she said "no", and I remember telling her "well you better turn the news on then". I watched the towers collapse, and watched the aftermath for weeks like so many others. It was a scary time. It was my generations Pearl Harbor in a way. Something I will never forget, and was glad I watched not experienced. My heart still goes out to all those effected by that day.
A quick jaunt to Espana!
3 years ago
I never used to watch the news... especially in the morning. So, I remember I just got up like any other morning and headed to work. Ross was already at work. I got to work and I could just feel the sadness. Everyone was just standing around. A lady I worked with at the Credit Union came up to me and said, "have you heard?". I told her no and she said "come see". They had a TV on in the lobby with everyone gathered around it. As soon as I saw it, I thought it couldn't be real. I remember thinking, "why didn't my mom call me??" The Credit Union closed around 11 am that day and we just went home and watched the TV for the rest of the day. I remember driving on the roads for that whole week... it was just silent. People drove slower.... talked softer .... and looked so sad. It was a hard thing to understand (still is) - and our world changed forever from that day forward. This all makes me just want to tell ya that I love you, Jill!!
I remember you telling me about Marshall being on a flight back on Sept 11. I rememeber being woken up by my step mom, pat. Her face, I will never forget. She was horrified and shocked. I thought I was watching a movie. It was very scary and unnerving.
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