Monday, November 09, 2009

Happy Birthday To You...

Saturday was Ryan's 29th Birthday, so we did the annual boy's night out. We went to the good old nickel arcade where we blew through nickels like no tomorrow and racked up the tickets playing awesome little kid games.

This time Jayna was able to walk around and explore so it was all new to her again. She loved going in the little rides and liked watching all the lights on the machines. She was a good helper at getting the tickets out when we would win, and I think we successfully avoided catching the swine flu from any of the dirty games.

I made my yearly treat bags for the boys so that they could have snacks while playing their video games, which they appreciated. Then when are thumbs and fingers were to sore to push another button we headed over to the Wing Coop to pick up some hot wings. I myself hate wings, but the husband loves them. After waiting for an entire hour for the two yahoo girls behind the counter to finish our order, after they made the fryer explode and boil over I hated wings even more. The boys thought they were worth the wait though.

Back at the house they zoned out watching UFC, while gnawing on bones. Sick, double sick. They each tried one of the really really hot wings and all about died. That was my favorite part. Then they hung out and played ping pong until two in the morning when I finally gave Ryan "the look". It was really fun! Ryan is lucky to have such good and loyal friends. So see everyone again next year same time, same place.


Ming said...

I love that you do the same thing every year. That makes his b-day planning SO easy! I fret every year over what to do for Jeff.