Monday, November 03, 2008

Remember To Vote!

Jayna was grumpy today so I needed to find something to keep us occupied until Dad came home from work. With the election on my mind and the desire to fine tune my baking skills this is what we ended up with. We made the cupcakes and frosting from scratch because I did not have any cake mix on hand. It was fun. Ryan got a kick out of them when he got home, and we took them to our neighbors as a little reminder to head out to the polls tomorrow.

So Happy Voting Everyone!


Ming said...

I like the red that a not so subtle nudge to the republican party?

AMES said...

As always - you make us all look bad! ;)

Hutchings Home said...

I was going to do red and blue, but did not have blue. lol. I thought of that though, because I was worried I might offend the neighbors, but no-one said anything.

Ming said...

Well no worries now. They can't get offended now that Obama won. So much for the republicans.