Monday, January 25, 2010

The Big Bubble in the Sky

Most of us look at this photo and see the moon, but if you are a little toddler you may see a glorified bubble.

We laughed so hard when we took Jayna out of the car last night and she pointed to the sky and kept saying bubble. At first we did not know what she was looking at and then we realized she meant the moon. Jayna loves bubbles and I am sure this looked like the most amazing bubble she had ever seen. She kept trying to touch it and we had to explain that it was too high in the sky to touch. So fun to think about how little ones see the world.


megan&steve said...

Hey Jill,
Toilet Training in less than a day came highly recommended by 2-3 people that I know. I thought it was a great guide & way for Jake to learn to stay dry & that he needs to use the toilet. It has a ton of repetition, if they wet. That part got old for me fast.
THings aren't totally perfect, we still have accidents, but its better than changing his diapers!! It will take time, to totally master potty training!