Monday, January 18, 2010

Dear Mrs. Rizley / Support Warriors Wives

Dear Mrs. Rizley

You left this comment ( Jill, you are amazing. You are the Winco hero.) on my blog the other day in response to my story about giving some money to some people in need. And I just need to tell you how utterly silly your comment is.

It takes a certain breed of man to be able to serve and protect his country and country men. The kind of man who is a warrior inside above all else. It takes an even more special breed of women to support that warrior though. I could never be as amazing as you have to be to be able to support a warrior husband. The sacrifice it takes on the home-front is unimaginable to me. I am so grateful that for centuries and centuries there have been women like you willing to hold the front-lines at home so that your men can go hold the front-lines of freedom and liberty for us all. You women are overlooked, under appreciated, and much neglected by your country for the true service you give us all.

The fact that you think I am amazing for helping someone at the grocery store that I only have the freedom of visiting because of women like you, and the american spirit of generosity because of women like you is just utterly silly.

I never want to hear you say that another women is amazing or great unless they are doing what you are doing. That goes for you too Mrs. Brown and Mrs. Harkin!

So thank you Mrs. Rizley for all your sacrifices on our behalf. Your AMAZING!



Amazing Grace how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me.....

Side Note: Don't be afraid to leave comments on my blog I promise I will not write a post about you if you do, but this was just silly and needed to be addressed.


Ming said...

There are more ways than one to be an amazing person. I'm not discounting military wives (my mother was one of them), but you don't have to send a husband to war to be an amazing woman. So many people do amazing things everyday, including those married to service men. Just wanted to throw that out there.

Hutchings Home said...

So true Mindy. Just had to let Mrs. Rizley here know she was a little silly. Weird feeling when people you think are amazing think you are amazing.