Saturday, October 31, 2009

And the Winner is...

Ryan! Ryan won the ward chili cook-off. I was really excited for him, but jealous because I did not even place. What's up with that? So he got a bottle of sparkling cider and his name will go up on the plaque in the hall. He said that next year he will not enter so that I have a chance of winning. Thanks. My
spider-web cupcakes turned out really good, way better than I expected. They were gone in two seconds, so I did not even get one. Oh, well.

Jayna dressed up in her little pretty witch costume and I did her make-up, but by the time we got there she had smeared it all over her face. Guess mascara and a 19 month old don't mix. What can I say I was a makeup artist for 7 years, you need mascara. She loved putting on the make-up though. I could not believe how well she sat there. She would even close her eyes for me while I put her eyeshadow on. I think I should do her make-up during church that way we would be able to sit the whole time.

Jayna loved running around with all the kids at the party. She thinks she is such a big girl when she is around all the older kids. It's cute.


AMES said...

ha ha - Congrats, Ryan!!! You guys are awesome.