Sunday, October 25, 2009

Weekend in Review: Walmart / Leaves

Walmart Experience-

Walmart has to be one of the most frustrating places to shop especially when you have a kids. Saturday we all went to Walmart to pick up our groceries for the upcoming week. I knew it was going to be a great trip when I pulled into the parking-lot and saw a full grown women in a superman shirt and matching cape. We had a long list, but were confident we could bust it out before Jayna would get stir crazy. We cruised through all the isles and the produce department and had one last stop at the deli to pick up some lunch meats and pepperoni for homemade pizza. It took forever! We waited so long that we even had to resort to getting Jayna one of those little cartons of fishy crackers and let her open and eat them before we even bought them. There was only one person in front of me that ordered two things. The problem was that there was only one old lady working the whole deli and she was slow as molasses. I was frustrated, but at the same time felt bad for the poor grandma that she even had to be working at Walmart in the first place, and that they had left her there all alone. It seriously must have taken me at least 20 minutes to get the 3 things I needed from her, and that was after I had already waited 10 minutes for the person before me. I could have gotten through a cutting table line at Joanne Fabrics on a sale night faster. Half way through my deli experience I told Ryan to go get inline at one of the checkout stands, because we all know how fast those go. When I met up with him to my surprise he was close to the front of his line. We got all the stuff up on the belt, and then something strange began to occur. Something that has never ever happened to me at Walmart. The food started flying of the belt and into the little plastic bag carousel with record speed. Ryan and I both immediately noticed the strange phenomenon we were witnessing. Ryan hurried over to grab a bag and upon touching it the bagger said very seriously "I'm not done with that one". Ryan took a step back and was like okay okay I will leave you to your work. Then upon permission we loaded our bags into our cart. Ryan told the checker that he had never seen anyone at Walmart bag that fast, there was a big pause and we thought he didn't hear what Ryan had said, but then he replied "I'm only going half the speed I usually go." We were trying so hard not to just bust out laughing. It was so funny. After we left we thought that we should have given him a tip for doing such a great job. The other thing we noticed was that all our bags were evenly distributed, which again never happens at Walmart. Usually I find every can I bought in the same bag. So if you ever find yourself at the Walmart off Redwood Road I highly recommend getting in my man Kevin's line.

Playing in the Leaves-

Sunday afternoon we all went out front to play on the lawn since the sun was out and shinning. Ryan got Jayna her little rack and he grabbed one for himself and started showing her how to rack up the leaves. Jayna looked so cute all bundled up trying to rack the leaves. Ryan would fill his rack up like a shovel and toss the leaves up in the air so that they would rain down on her. She loved it! It was a real moment for me to see her experience the fall leaves for the first time. She play in them and was curious about how they felt and what she could do with them. She would crinkle them up in her fists, or throw them up in the air like she had seen Ryan do. She would jump in them or bloop herself in the middle of the big pile laughing. It was so cute and beautiful to have my whole family just outside playing with the leaves in the crisp autumn air. I realized that this was what it was all about. I brought Jayna here to this earth so that she could experience wonderful fun things like playing in the leaves that she just wouldn't be able to experience anywhere else. I hope I will remember my fall leaf moment when I get those nervous thoughts about what this world is going to be like for her and her family, because Heavenly Father has given us so many beautiful and wonderful things on this earth, and they are still here and still stand as reminders of his love for us.