Sunday, October 18, 2009

Pumpkin Fun

For the past couple of weeks I have been looking forward to the Saturday that we would go to a pumpkin patch and pick out the perfect pumpkins for our front porch. I kept imagining Jayna in a cute little outfit trying to pick up pumpkins and me taking great pictures of her doing so. That is not quit how it turned out this Saturday though.

I decided that we should go to Thanksgiving Point to pick out our pumpkins because we had never been there before during Halloween. I thought it would be really farmy, but it really wasn't. It was more like a carnival or fair. They just had piles of pumpkins for you to choose from, which was far from the vine filled field I had been imagining. They did have white pumpkins though and I love those. So there I was the stupid mom with her kid all dressed up in leggings, a little plaid shirt, and shiny black boots that I made the whole family go out and get the night before. All the other kids where in play clothes which were appropriate since the whole place was filled with nothing but, slides, bouncers, and jumpy things. Oh well. At least I was not the mom that dressed their kid up and did not want them to get the outfit dirty.

Jayna had a blast on the slides. I still think she needs to have someone ride down the big slides with her, and my thoughts were confirmed as I saw mom after mom go down the big slides with their kids. I was out numbered though since Dad and Uncle Devin were there. So I had to watch my baby get laid down on the top of the slide and let go. She really does love it though. She only had a scared look on her face the first time and then she just wanted to run right back up to the top for more. Ryan even put her down the big tube slide by herself too. That is what dad's are for though, other wise moms would be going down the slides with there teenagers.

We went on the little train tractor ride that was being driven by a boy who was maybe 15 if that. Jayna loved it when we would go over the bumps and the little cart would wiggle back and forth. She just loves adventure. That is what I get for rafting down the Grand Canyon pregnant I guess. She is a thrill seeker. I am proud though. For having no siblings she is a pretty tough and brave little girl.

I did get these few pictures and I am pretty happy with them. And who cares if you do not get the pictures as long as you get the moments. We wore her out pretty good. She was pooped after we went and ate dinner and slept the rest of the way home. I just love her. She is the best.